
신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc 업로드

2021-03-24 23:50
신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc 다운받기

신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc

신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc

Solutions to Exercises of Chapter 3
Exercises with Solutions
Exercise 3.1
Consider the following first-order, causal LTI differential system initially at rest:

(a) Calculate the impulse response of the system . Sketch it for .
Step 1: Set up the problem to calculate the impulse response of the left-hand side of the equation:
Step 2: Find the initial condition of the corresponding homogeneous equation at by integrating the above differential equation from ...Solutions to Exercises of Chapter 3
Exercises with Solutions
Exercise 3.1
Consider the following first-order, causal LTI differential system initially at rest:

(a) Calculate the impulse response of the system . Sketch it for .
Step 1: Set up the problem to calculate the impulse response of the left-hand side of the equation:
Step 2: Find the initial condition of the corresponding homogeneous equation at by integrating the above differential equation from to . Note that the impulse will be in the term , so will have a finite jump at most. Thus we have , and hence is our initial condition for the homogeneous equation for :
Step 3: The characteristic polynomial is and it has one zero at , which means that the homogeneous response has the form for . The initial condition allows us to determine the constant : , so that
Step 4: LTI systems are commutative, so we can apply the right-hand side of the differential equation to in order to obtain :

This impulse response is plotted in Figure 3.1 for :

Figure 3.1: Impulse response of the first-order differential system.
(b) Is the system BIBO stable Justify your answer.
Answer: Yes, it is stable. The single real zero of its characteristic polynomial is negative: .
Exercise 3.2
Consider the following second-order, causal LTI differential system initially at rest:

Calculate the impulse response of the system .
Solution 1:
Step 1: Set up the problem to calculate the impulse response of the left-hand side of the equation

Step 2: Find the initial conditions of the corresponding homogeneous equation at by integrating the above differential equation from to . Note that the impulse will be in the term , so will have a finite jump at most. Thus we have
hence is one of our two initial conditions for the homogeneous equation for :
Since has a finite jump from to , the othe

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문서분량 : 24 Page
파일종류 : DOC 파일
자료제목 : 신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc
파일이름 : 신호와 시스템 3장 솔루션(한티 미디어).doc
키워드 : 신호와,시스템,장,솔루션,한티,미디어,doc,3장
자료No(pk) : 17042064
전체 1,720
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