
Solution Manual for Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition 오류수정본 자료

2021-04-08 17:44
Solution Manual for Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition 오류수정본 자료

Solution Manual for Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition 오류수정본

Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition (Robert E. Reed-Hill)의 솔루션입니다 기존의 오류가 있었던 부분을 수정한 자료입니다 전 챕터 수록되어있습니다. 외국 사이트에서 30달러에 구매해야하는 구글에서도 안나오는 자료입니다 물리금속, 신소재공학

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Structure of Metals
Chapter 2 Characterization Techniques
Chapter 3 Crystal Binding
Chapter 4 Introduction to Dislocations
Chapter 5 Dislocations and Plastic Deformation
Chapter 6 Elements of Grain Boundaries
Chapter 7 Vacancies
Chapter 8 Annealing
Chapter 9 Solid Solutions
Chapter 10 Phases
Chapter 11 Binary Phase Diagrams
Chapter 12 Diffusion in Substitutional Solid Solutions
Chapter 13 Interstitial Diffusion
Chapter 14 Solidification of Metals
Chapter 15 Nucleation and Growth Kinetics
Chapter 16 Precipitation Hardening
Chapter 17 Deformation Twinning and Martensite Reactions
Chapter 18 The Iron‐Carbon Alloy System
Chapter 19 The Hardening of Steel
Chapter 20 Selected Nonferrous Alloy Systems
Chapter 21 Failure Mechanisms

자료출처 : http://www.ALLReport.co.kr/search/Detail.asp?xid=a&kid=b&pk=20095650&sid=leesk55&key=


문서분량 : 229 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 : Solution Manual for Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition 오류수정본
파일이름 : Solution Manual for Physical Metallurgy Principles 4th Edition.pdf
키워드 : Solution,Manual,for,Physical,Metallurgy,Principles,4th,Edition,오류수정본
자료No(pk) : 20095650
전체 1,720
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