The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices Down

The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices Down

The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices.doc문서자료 (다운받기).zip

The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices

This paper will highlight diverse communicative functions of emoticons.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. General Discussion and Conclusion of LiteratureAs a significant part of electronic communication, there is little argument that emoticons have changed, even revolutionized, the way people text online. Their swift, clever, but sometimes abstract and ambiguous nature is perfectly suited to modern-day people who are living in a fast-paced society but vulnerable to emotional pressure. It is commonly accepted that the first documented use of a smiley-face :-), along with a frowny face :-(, dates back to 1982 when computer scientist Scott E. Fahlman suggested that it be used to identify jokes on an online bulletin board for Carnegie Mellon Computer Science community (Krohn, 2004, p.321). By allowing online users to share emotion in an efficient and nuanced manner, emoticons have dramatically changed the nature of “electronic language” that was originally “divorced from gestures, facial expressions, and prosodic features such as intonation, rhythm, and volume” (Amaghlobeli, 2012, p.348). Although some language scholars, such as Provine, Spencer, and Mandell (2007), denounced the use of emoticons as “an unnecessary and unwelcome intrusion into well-crafted text,” emoticons have spread firm roots in computer-mediated communication, combined with the enormous popularity of Internet and social media over the last three decades (p.305). Furthermore, constantly evolving over time, emoticons are now playing a number of communicative roles that enrich written texts in online correspondence, far beyond their literal role as emotional icons.
Despite the rapid evolution of the roles of emoticons, early research in the field of emoticon study showed limited focus on their role. For example, as forerunners in that field, Rezabeck & Cochenour (1995) restricted the role of emoticons as “typographical symbols that when read sideways represent feelings or emotions” (p.370). However, new research has argued otherwise, insisting that this preconceived, singular notion that confines the role is incomplete and limiting because emoticons c

자료출처 :


문서분량 : 13 Page
파일종류 : DOC 파일
자료제목 : The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices
파일이름 : The Roles of Emoticons as Multifunctional Communicative Devices.doc
키워드 : emoticons,communicative,devices,emotional,The,Roles,of,Emoticons,as,Multifunctional
자료No(pk) : 21060230

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